Catholic Icing Monthly Membership: July 2024 Printables
Printables for celebrating in July: home altar printables, activity and coloring pages for kids, printable crafts, bonus printables, and more!
Celebrate the Liturgical Year the Easy and Affordable Way
Have you always wanted to celebrate the saints and live the liturgical year more fully in your home or classroom but feel overwhelmed by it?
Maybe you don't have the time to pull it all together.
Maybe you feel like you aren't even sure where to start.
Or you might have tried to do it before but then life got in the way and you still had your March decorations up in July.
We've been there and we understand!
When you join the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership, you'll get access to new printables before the start of each month that are perfect for your home, family, and children.
We recommend that you consider joining the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership, you'll get access to new printables before the start of each month that are perfect for your home, family, and children.
However, if you're not ready to join and you just want some materials for July or you are a member but joined after July 2024 and want these materials, then this one-time purchase of the July 2024 pack could be right for you!
July 2024 Monthly Membership Checklist
(After each printable item, the section to find it in the membership area is listed in parentheses and in italics)
Printables and Projects to Use Anytime During the Month of May and/or All Month:
- Home Altar Printables - Litany of Saints, Important Feast Days, Scripture Cards, Monthly Dedication Display Card, Prayer Intentions Display, The Pope’s Monthy Intention Display Print, and More (July Home Altar Printables)
- Perpetual Calendar for your prayer table or home altar (Starter Pack)
- Liturgical Seasons Block Project - includes two different versions that can be made (Starter Pack)
- Liturgical Seasons Display (Starter Pack)
- Liturgical Recipe Card Dividers (Starter Pack)
- July Family Activity Page (Starter Pack, featured in with a document for family activity pages for each month of the year)
- July 2024 calendar page and July 2024 Weekly Planning Pages (July Calendars and July Weekly Planning Pages)
- Handwriting/copywork pages with scriptures used during two Sunday Masses in July (July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets)
- Ephesians 2:13 Scripture Artwork - perfect for the July Monthly Dedication (Precious Blood of Jesus) or any time of the year (July Liturgical Artwork)
- Nighttime Prayer Cards Set (July Bonus Printables)
- Product Bonus: Fruits of the Holy Spirit Craft Bundle and Project Ideas (July Bonus Printables)
- July is Dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus Intricate Coloring Page (July Coloring Pages)
- Fun Fish Candy Cups Directions and Printables - Perfect for Use with Many Bible Stories (July Liturgical Recipe)
Fish-themed Scripture Display Cards (July Liturgical Recipe)
Printables and Projects Associated with Specific Feast Days (but be flexible with yourself and your schedule; don’t skip something you want to use just because you miss a date):
- July 3:
- Saint Thomas the Apostle Saint Display Cards (July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets)
- Saint Thomas is on the Saints/Feast Days Spinner (July Home Altar Printables)
- July 4:
- Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Quote Coloring Page (July Coloring Pages)
- July 6:
- Saint Maria Goretti Coloring Page (July Coloring Pages)
- July 9:
- Saint Marie Amandine Coloring and Saint Info Page (July Coloring Pages)
- July 11:
- Saint Benedict of Nursia Saint Display Cards (July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets)
- Saint Benedict Display Art (July Home Altar Printables)
- Saint Benedict is on the Saints/Feast Days Spinner (July Home Altar Printables)
- Benedictine Medal Candle Wrap (July Home Altar Printables)
- Saint Benedict Display Statue (July Home Altar Printables)
- Prayer to Saint Benedict Display Triptych (July Home Altar Printables)
- Prayer to Saint Benedict Prayer Cards (July Home Altar Printables)
- July 12:
- Saint Veronica Mini Book (3 options) (July Mini Books)
- Saint Veronica Block Craft (July Saint Block Craft)
- July 14:
- Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Crack the Code (July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets)
- July 16:
- Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Triptych Activity/Craftivity (July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets)
- July 20:
- Saint Margaret of Antioch Cut Apart Puzzle Pages (July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets)
- July 22:
- Saint Mary Magdalene Saint Display Cards (July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets)
- Saint Mary Magdalene Display Art (July Home Altar Printables)
- Saint Mary Magdalene is on the Saints/Feast Days Spinner (July Home Altar Printables)
- Saint Mary Magdalene Candle Wrap (July Home Altar Printables)
- Saint Mary Magdalene Display Statue (July Home Altar Printables)
- July 27:
- Saint Titus Brandsma Statue Craft (July Statue Craft)
- Saint Titus Brandsma Mini Book (3 options) (July Mini Books)
- July 28:
- Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand Crossword Puzzle (multiple versions) (July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets) - This is the Gospel reading at Mass on July 28, 2024
- Fun Fish Candy Cups Directions and Printables - Perfect for Use with the Feeding of the Multitudes Gospel reading or many other Bible stories that involve fish (July Liturgical Recipe)
- Feeding the Multitudes Artwork (July Liturgical Recipe)
- Loaves and Fishes Display Statue (July Liturgical Recipe)
- July 29:
- Saints Martha and Mary Saint Display Cards (July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets)
- Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus Word Search Printables (2 versions) (July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets)
- July 31:
Saint Ignatius of Loyola Coloring Page (July Coloring Pages)
Home Altar Printables
Activities and Coloring Pages
Printable Crafts
"Angie and Lacy have made my spiritual life so much more enriching." - Margaret R.
"Creating and having these pieces, especially the blocks, are a treasure for my kids. It brings the faith to life." - Christine H.
"Thank you both for doing this work. It is so very helpful to me in my classes, and worth far more than the cost." - Wendy B.
"We have been so blessed by this subscription!! Thanks so much for putting so much value into this bundle and making it so affordable!" - Victoria H.
"I just want to take this moment to say the kids in my CCD class LOVE all the activities and crafts! We have created home altars and they have learned about their patron Saints! There is such love and compassion poured into these materials and our children are growing in their relationship with Christ. We are so pleased to witness the spiritual growth of our community and we have you in part to thank for this." - Jan T.
July 2024 Content
Each section contains printables you can download and use. Some sections also include pictures and videos to share more about the items in that section.
- July 2024 Overview And Checklist
- ZIP File Version of All July Downloads
- July Home Altar Printables (3:09)
- July Liturgical Recipe
- July Calendar and July Weekly Planning Sheets
- July Liturgical Art: Ephesians 2:13 Scripture Art (Blood of Christ)
- July Activities, Projects, and Worksheets for Kids and Families
- July Coloring (or Painting) Pages
- July Saints Mini Books
- July Saint Block Craft (Wooden and Paper Cube Options): Saint Veronica
- July Saint Statue Craft: Saint Titus Brandsma
- July Bonus Printables
- Extra Resources for July (Supplemental Activities [links to items not included in the membership])
"Honestly, this subscription has been such a blessing to my family and has allowed us to actually start celebrating feast days instead of just worrying about what we could [do] to mark them!" - S.
"I subscribed and downloaded EVERYTHING!! It's wonderful. I've been wanting to create a home altar for years, and I love how everything is in one place for me. I'm going to sit down with my arts and crafts-loving little girl and make putting this together a regular mommy and daughter activity. Thank you!" - Neches P.
"Just wanted to let you know that this membership has blessed my family so much!! My kids, husband, and I are loving everything that is included! Our home altar is so pretty with all of the monthly decorations. I love having so many coloring pages and activities to bring to adoration and use during our homeschool catechism lessons. Thank you!!!!" - Alexandra R.
"WOW. I am absolutely blown away. Angie and Lacy have done it again! This membership makes things super easy to help my family live liturgically. No more wasted hours spent scouring the web-you just click and go! My favorite part is the monthly Saint Mini Book. I love that the worksheets are geared toward different age groups too." - Sam from Cultivating Catholics
"The membership looks absolutely beautiful! We are really excited about starting October with our liturgical month already preplanned. Thank you for creating this membership!" - Kim R.